Kilmaine Primary School and Nursery Unit

  1. ICT Acceptable Use Policy

ICT Acceptable Use Policy 2024/2025

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Please take a moment to review our policy.

The main issues which arose last year were:-

  • Children using social media websites outside of school, and posting inappropriate comments and pictures, including those which can be insensitive towards our pupils.
  • The potential for children to use phones and smart watches in school.
  • Accompanying adults taking photos of children on personal devices at school activities and uploading these to social media. It is our policy not to photograph children on personal devices and not to upload these to social media sites, unless it is a member of Kilmaine staff uploading to the school’s official Facebook page and permission has been given by every pupils’ parents and the Principal.
  • We all have the children’s best interests at heart so we welcome all comments and ask that issues be directly and constructively raised and resolved with staff. Adults should not air personal grievances regarding Kilmaine on social media.


School Vision


We are committed to maintaining a caring community for everyone involved in Kilmaine.  We strive to provide a safe and stimulating environment, which offers a broad based education within which children will reach their full potential in a changing world.




The purpose of this policy is to support safe and effective use of electronic communications using internet technologies and electronic communications.The primary concern is safeguarding children in the digital world.  Emphasis is on learning to understand and use new technologies in a positive way to support learning and allow pupils to use technology with confidence.  It aims to support pupils to behave safely online, to know how to recognise unsafe situations and how to respond to risks appropriately.  This policy works in conjunction with all other policies, particularly our Assertive Discipline Policy and Safeguarding Policy.


Education of Pupils

Internet use is part of the statutory curriculum and is a powerful tool for learning.  In Kilmaine the school’s Internet access will enhance and extend learning.  It will be used to develop skills and knowledge across the curriculum. Pupils will be taught what Internet use is acceptable and what is not and given clear objectives for Internet use.  Pupils will be taught to be critically aware of the materials they read and shown how to validate information before accepting its accuracy.  Pupils will use age-appropriate tools to research Internet content.

Internet Security

In-school online access is supported by the C2K Education Network.  This provides a filtered access for all users on all equipment when using the network in school. C2K EN categorises websites as Red (unavailable) and Green (available) for all users.


In addition, Kilmaine can, at the discretion of the principal, permit and allocate access rights to individual users of Social Media Groups, Streaming Media Groups or Advanced Groups.  Teachers in Kilmaine have been provided with access to Streaming Media e.g. YouTube, Vimeo and BBC iPlayer.  The acceptable use of these resources is explained in Kilmaine’s Acceptable Use Policy within this document.


To help maintain an effective filtering system, staff in Kilmaine may request sites are arbitrated by C2K and may change category.  All unsuitable sites should be reported to C2K either by emailing or by telephoning the C2k Service Desk at 0870 6011666.

Access to the internet via C2K EN is fully auditable and reports are available to the principal.


Email Security

Personal email accounts will not be used in school e.g. Hotmail… Staff will only use official school provided email accounts for professional communications.  Such communications must first be approved by the principal and Designated Teacher for Child Protection.  C2KEN provides filtering and security on these accounts and messages are checked for viruses, malware, spam and inappropriate content.


Risk Assessments

Pupils will be taught eSafety in all year groups through the ICT curriculum, PDMU curriculum and initiatives such as Internet Safety Day.  This will be updated to reflect changes in technologies and its uses.  Through this work pupils will become aware of risks and learn how to react to incidents.

Staff will perform risk assessments and contribute to sharing information on new technologies to ensure adult understanding and to support safe use.

All stakeholders will be communicated with regarding school policy and acceptable practices and invited to contribute to a shared understanding of eSafety to benefit children attending Kilmaine.


Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying misuses technologies.  Teaching and learning will highlight appropriate use and responsibilities.  The Acceptable Use Policy will clarify expected behaviours by all stakeholders to avoid incidents.  

Incidents will invoke the school Assertive Discipline Policy and Safeguarding Policy when required.  The Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Pastoral Care Co-ordinator (Mrs Boal) will be informed.  Outside agencies will be contacted when necessary.


Any member of the school community could be the victim:- a pupil, a member of staff, a volunteer, parents…


We would stress that all grievances be resolved through the established face to face procedures in place.


Complaints made in public through social media are detrimental and possibly damaging to the school community and as such are not beneficial to the children.

Parents and staff should contact the school to arrange an interview.

Pupils speak to an adult – your parent and your teacher and remember Mrs Boal is ‘our school expert’ if something is making you sad.


Examples of cyber bullying include:-

Unkind, threatening or abusive emails or electronically posted comments.

Uploading photos, personal information, without the individual’s or their parents’/ guardians’ consent.

Uploading abusive texts, unsuitable/ inappropriate photos, video or recordings.

Sharing any of the above materials with others.

Impersonating someone else online to upload fake information.


The PSNI will be informed and the following legislation may be required.


o Protection from Harassment (NI) Order 1997 

o Malicious Communications (NI) Order 1988 

o The Communications Act 2003                   Ref DENI Circular 2013/15


The Designated Teacher for Child Protection and Principal will keep a record of all incidents to review support and promote suitable and consistent responses.

When incidents involve a pupil attending Kilmaine and someone beyond our school community in online behaviour outside of school time, then parents will be informed of the information and if necessary PSNI will be contacted.



The school’s compliance with this new legislation can be accessed at


Please now refer to separate, -    ‘Acceptable Use of Electronic Technologies policy’ for Parents/Guardians and for Pupils.


Kilmaine Primary Acceptable Use of Electronic Technologies Policy

Acceptable Use

This policy seeks to make explicit agreed safe and acceptable use of electronic technologies including email, use of C2K network-Education Network (NI), social media and digital images for all stakeholders (e.g., pupils, all staff, parents, governors, visitors to Kilmaine, volunteers in Kilmaine).

User activity is logged, and reports are available to the technician and principal.  The facility to remove internet access for a user exists.


Acceptable use in School Pupils in Key Stage 2

  • To behave kindly and politely when working online.
  • To use passwords and keep them private.
  • To only use someone else’s username and password when working with them.
  • To avoid using your personal information, e.g., full name, telephone number, address, school name.
  • To only use websites suitable for your age.
  • To report anything you think is rude, unkind, or unsafe as soon as possible to the adult in charge.
  • To avoid sharing or showing anything unsuitable, unkind, or unsafe with other children.
  • Speak to an adult – your parent and/or your teacher and remember Mrs Boal is ‘our school expert’ if something is making you sad or upset.
  • To take images or recordings of others only on school equipment when in school or on school trips or at school events. I will not bring equipment to school that can take digital images e.g., iPads/games consoles/phones/smart watches without the school’s permission)
  • To have adult permission before you upload images to the internet.
  • To name the writer or artist of any work (pictures or text or video) you include in your own work.
  • To turn off, before 8.45am, any mobile phone brought to school, agreeing not to use it until the school day is complete including after school activities and school trips. (Pupils are strongly advised not to bring mobile phones or electronic devices to school)

Acceptable Use in School Pupils in Key Stage 1

  • I will be kind and polite when working on the computer.
  • I will use a password
  • I will only use someone else’s username and password when I am working with them.
  • I will not use personal information, e.g., full name, telephone number, address, school name.
  • I will only use websites suitable for my age.
  • I will tell an adult about anything I think is rude, unkind, or unsafe as soon as possible.
  • I will not show anything rude, unkind, or unsafe to other children.
  • I will only use school cameras when in school or on school trips or at school events. (I will not bring equipment to school that can take digital images e.g. iPads/games consoles/phones/smart watches without the school’s permission)
  • If I use a picture or words form the internet I will write, who did it.


Acceptable Use in School Pupils in Foundation Stage (Year 1)

  • I will be kind and polite when working on the computer.
  • I will only use websites my teacher has picked.
  • I will tell an adult if I out of a website
  • I will tell the teacher if I see something rude.
  • I will only use school cameras when in school.

Acceptable Use in School Pupils in Foundation Stage (Year 2)

  • I will be kind and polite when working on the computer.
  • I will only use websites my teacher has picked.
  • I will tell an adult if I go out of a website.
  • I will tell the teacher if I see something rude or scary.
  • I will only use school cameras when in school.
  • I will use a password.
  • I will only use someone else’s username and password when I am working with them.
  • I will not use personal information, e.g. full name, telephone number, address, school name.


Acceptable Use Parents/Guardians

  • To communicate with the class teacher or Designated Teacher for Child Protection (Mrs Boal) or the Principal (Mrs Sinnamon) should an issue arise with a pupil.
  • To support effective, positive communications to the benefit of all children and so communicate grievances face to face through established school practices with the parties involved.
  • To support children’s use of technology at home in relation to school learning taking into consideration Pupils’ Acceptable Use Policy.
  • To only use the school’s name, school logo or any other material directly related to school life with prior consent of the principal.
  • To only take digital images of their own individual children when on the school premises, accompanying class trips or attending school events. The exception to this will be on the specific invitation of the principal – parents/guardians may take digital images and recordings of pupils on personal equipment. e.g., When in the audience at class assemblies.
  • To ensure children do not bring equipment with digital recording technology to school without the prior agreement of the principal.  I agree to my child’s device being immediately confiscated if an adult in school believes it is being used or will be used.  A device will be stored safely until a parent/guardian comes to collect it.  Devices will not be returned to the pupil.
  • All pupils who choose to bring electronic devices (mobile phones/smart watches) to school must turn off their device, agree not to use until their school day is completed, including after-school clubs and school trips and accept full responsibility for loss or damage.  The school nor any adult in school, will accept any responsibility for loss or damage.  (Pupils are strongly advised not to bring mobile phones or electronic devices to school).


ICT Acceptable Use Agreement 2024/2025

Please complete the form below for each child you have at Kilmaine.