Kilmaine Primary School and Nursery Unit

  1. About Us
  2. Board of Governors

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors has an important strategic role to play in the management of the school. This is to help the school Principal and staff, provide the best possible education for all of the pupils. Governors bring their experience, life skills and common sense to this task. In everything they do, they should aim to raise expectations of what can be achieved by all pupils and strengthen the involvement of parents and the community.

This involves: 

  • Setting the school’s vision and aims
  • Establishing and maintaining the school’s ethos
  • Setting the school’s plans and policies
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance
  • Promoting self-evaluation to sustain school improvement

Chairperson of the Board of Governors Mrs C Hanna (Education Authority Representative)
Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors Mr A Addidle (Education Authority Representative)
Teacher Representative Mrs S Carter
Parent Representatives Mr A Walker, Mr D Canmore
Transferor Representatives Mrs H Lowry, Mrs M Cromey, Mrs R Magennis
Education Authority Representatives Mr A Addidle, Mrs K Looker, Mrs C Hanna
Principal (Non-Voting) Mrs R Sinnamon

Salaries & Finance Committee

Mrs Wallace, Mr Addidle, Dr Hamill & Mrs Sinnamon in attendance.

Ancillary Staff & Building & Grounds Committee

Mr Canmore, Mrs Magennis, Mrs Carter & Mrs Sinnamon in attendance.

Curriculum Committee

Mrs Sitch, Mr Canmore, Mrs Carter, Mrs Hanna & Mrs Sinnamon in attendance.

Grievance Committee
Mrs Wallace, Mr Addidle, Dr Hamill, Mrs Magennis and Mrs Sinnamon in attendance.

Mrs R Magennis agreed to be the Designated Governor for Child Protection and Safeguarding.